Break Free from the 'Shoulds' &


Claim Your Path to A Life

Break Free from the 'Shoulds' &


Claim Your Path to A Life

Are you a woman who excels

in taking care of everyone around you, but way to often finds your own dreams and well-being taking a back seat?

Have you ever felt a calling for something greater, something uniquely yours, but struggle to find the time or space amidst the whirlwind of responsibilities?

Are you...

  • Putting others first

  • Overcommitting constantly

  • Doubting yourself

  • Struggling to say no

  • Dealing with guilt

Or, have you felt...

  • Stuck in a people pleasing spiral

  • Afraid of missing out

  • Overwhelmed by expectations

  • Guilty for self-care

  • Afraid to say no

Are you a woman who excels

in taking care of everyone around you, but way to often finds your own dreams and well-being taking a back seat?

Have you ever felt a calling for something greater, something uniquely yours, but struggle to find the time or space amidst the whirlwind of responsibilities?

Are you...

  • Putting others first

  • Overcommitting constantly

  • Doubting yourself

  • Struggling to say no

  • Dealing with guilt

Or, have you felt...

  • Stuck in a people pleasing spiral

  • Afraid of missing out

  • Overwhelmed by expectations

  • Guilty for self-care

  • Afraid to say no

Are you a woman who excels in taking care of everyone around you, but often finds your own dreams and well-being taking a back seat?

Have you ever felt a calling for something greater, something uniquely yours, but struggle to find the time or space amidst the whirlwind of responsibilities?

Have you ever

experienced this...

✔️Constantly Prioritizing Others

✔️Long-Lost Personal Aspirations

✔️Yearning for Personal Fulfillment

✔️Overwhelmed by Responsibilities


felt like this?...

✔️Lost in the Daily Routine

✔️Seeking a Deeper Purpose

✔️Craving Space for Self-Care

✔️Desire to Reconnect with Yourself

Or, maybe you're just plain

Tired of always finding yourself last on the list?

Tired of always finding yourself

last on the list?

You’ve put everyone else on the front burner for so long you don’t even know where your pot is hiding.

I get it. My list is long, too. Pretty sure I’ve lost track of mine several times.

You sigh and answer the call and do the thing.

All the while your dream is floating around begging for just a little attention.

You’ve put everyone else on the front burner for so long you don’t even know where your pot is hiding.

I get it. My list is long, too. Pretty sure I’ve lost track of mine several times.

You sigh and answer the call and do the thing.

All the while your dream is floating around begging for just a little attention.

Uh-oh. It’s happening again...

You were thinking about starting on that goal, that passion project you’ve always secretly dreamed about (writing the book, creating the art, getting healthy, starting the business… I can only imagine all the dreams that have been put on hold) and something else comes up.

Somebody else needs your attention.

Uh-oh. It’s happening again...

You were thinking about starting on that goal, that passion project you’ve always secretly dreamed about (writing the book, creating the art, getting healthy, starting the business… I can only imagine all the dreams that have been put on hold) and something else comes up.

Somebody else needs your attention.

It’s my job to take care of everyone else, right?

Imagine what it would feel like to have permission to make YOU
your first priority with a community of cheerleaders who’ve got your back.

This all sounds wonderful, but I can hear you now, you’re thinking,

But isn't this what I am supposed to do?"

It’s my job to take care of everyone else, right?

Imagine what it would feel like to have permission to make YOU
your first priority with a community of cheerleaders who’ve got your back.

This all sounds wonderful, but I can hear you now, you’re thinking,

“But isn't this what I am supposed to do?"

I've discovered a powerful secret that turned my struggles into strength.

I've been where you are – stretched for time, tight on budget, and seeking knowledge.

Now, I'm here to share this with you, guiding you to rediscover and live your dreams, just as I have.

was trapped in a cycle of mis-understandings and false beliefs,

during my early days of searching for answers.

Despite attending masterminds and seeking guidance, I felt like I was constantly coming up short.

Traditional methods left me feeling more lost than ever. But amidst this struggle, I experienced an epiphany that illuminated my path.

This moment of clarity brought me the solutions and growth I had been yearning for. Now, I'm passionate about offering more than just a course; I'm offering an experience that embodies transformation, echoing the journey I once made myself.

was trapped in a cycle of mis-understandings and false beliefs,

during my early days of searching for answers.

Despite attending masterminds and seeking guidance, I felt like I was constantly coming up short.

Traditional methods left me feeling more lost than ever. But amidst this struggle, I experienced an epiphany that illuminated my path.

This moment of clarity brought me the solutions and growth I had been yearning for. Now, I'm passionate about offering more than just a course; I'm offering an experience that embodies transformation, echoing the journey I once made myself.

Hello, I'm

Heidi Kleine

Your transformation coach, guide, and mentor.

As a certified life, mental fitness, and leadership coach, my passion lies in empowering individuals like you –

the nurturing dreamers who often place their own aspirations on hold.

Throughout my coaching career, I've met many who, despite their incredible potential, are caught up in prioritizing the needs of others over their own.

My mission is to change that narrative.

I'm dedicated to helping you find clarity and focus, to reclaim not just your dreams but also your health and mental well-being.

My client's find that working with me is more than just a set of tasks; it's a transformative journey.

It's about recognizing your self-worth, understanding your choices, and embracing a mindset that shifts from reactive to proactive creation.

I stand for unapologetic happiness, the freedom to design your life,

and your limitless potential.

Join me and let's embark on this journey together and

transform your dreams into your new reality.


This is more than a program; it's a pathway to reinventing your life and career on your terms.

Don't let this chance to transform pass you by.

Embrace your journey

with us – it starts here!



This is more than a program; it's a pathway to reinventing your life and career on your terms.

Don't let this chance to transform pass you by.

Embrace your journey

with us – it starts here!

The A Season of Me Experience includes:

A comprehensive, enriching, and supportive journey through 'A Season of Me',

addressing various aspects of personal growth and empowerment.



Whether in the group or 1:1, experience personalized guidance and transformative insights during your exclusive coaching sessions with Heidi.

Personalized coaching offers tailored strategies and support, directly addressing your unique challenges and goals, and accelerating your journey to personal fulfillment and success.

Comprehensive Learning Workshops:

Six detailed on-demand workshops covering everything from mindset to relationships.

Unlike other generic personal development courses, 'A Season of Me' is an Intuitive, Holistic, and Transformative journey.

Interactive Workbooks and Videos:

Engaging materials to deepen your understanding and application of concepts. Tailored exercises to connect learnings with your personal journey.

Navigate Your Season Mindset:

Unlike other self-help programs that offer generic advice, 'A Season of Me' is a personalized, reflective, and transformative experience with a focus on integrating various aspects of your personality to create a cohesive and empowering life strategy.

Your Path to Self-Motivation:

Unlike other motivational programs that offer one-size-fits-all solutions, this module is a personalized, introspective, and empowering journey, enabling you to uncover and harness your unique motivations and aspirations.

Crafting Goals That Resonate With You:

Moving beyond traditional goal-setting methods, Module 3 offers a tailored, introspective, and pragmatic approach. You’ll not just set goals, but learn to create ones that are deeply interconnected with your personal vision and life's purpose.


Personalized Routines

for Success:

This module transcends conventional routine-building advice by offering a personalized approach. It's about crafting routines that aren’t just productive, but also meaningful and aligned with your personal rhythm and lifestyle.

Empower Yourself to Manage Stress Effectively:

This module takes a personalized approach to stress management, combining mindfulness, breathwork, and practical planning. It's tailored to empower you to handle stress in a way that aligns with your personal goals and lifestyle.

Navigating Relationships with Intention and Purpose:

This module offers a refreshing approach to relationships, focusing on the importance of boundaries and the right to choose relationships that contribute positively to your life and goals.

The Collective


Community Forums and Support:

Bi-monthly group coaching
Daily Audio Prompts

You're not just signing up for a

course – you're becoming part of a thriving network of women who dare to live life on their terms.

Connect, grow, and be inspired as you discover the exciting journey ahead.

****FREE Trial included****

Unlimited Voxer (walkie-talkie app)

Support when you need it.

For those time when you need to check in or just check yourself.

No more having to wait for your next coaching session to get support.

The Voxer app is a free download for ios, android, and browsers.

Heidi's Personalized Resource Library

The Resource Library is a curated and expanding experience.

It not only includes a variety of materials designed to enhance your learning experience and provide additional support as you move along this path to specifically address issues that might be coming up.

Why Join the 'A Season of Me' Experience?

You Deserve This Transformation – And It's Within Reach

Imagine a life where you can:

Know Your True Desires:

Uncover the deep-seated passions and dreams you've shelved for years, understanding what truly brings you joy and fulfillment.

Make Decisions on Your Terms:

Break free from the cycle of people-pleasing and confidently make choices that resonate with your core values and life goals.

Break the Chains of 'Supposed-Tos':

Liberate yourself from societal and self-imposed pressures that have held you back, allowing you to live authentically and without.

Apply Actionable Strategies:

Not just theories, but practical steps and tools to implement real change in your life.

You’re Ready for 'A Season of Me' if You Are:

  • Passionate About Personal Growth: Eager to explore and invest in your self-discovery and development journey.

  • Done Making Excuses About Your Happiness: Ready to take responsibility for your joy and fulfillment, no longer blaming external factors.

  • Sick of Feeling Stuck and Unfulfilled: Tired of the status quo and yearning for a meaningful change in your life.

  • Ready to Embrace a Life Lived on Your Terms: Willing to take the steps necessary to live authentically, according to your values and dreams.

  • Willing to Invest Time and Effort into Your Growth: Committed to actively participating and applying what you learn to see real transformation.

Know Your True Desires:

Uncover the deep-seated passions and dreams you've shelved for years, understanding what truly brings you joy and fulfillment.

Make Decisions on Your Terms:

Break free from the cycle of people-pleasing and confidently make choices that resonate with your core values and life goals.

Break the Chains of 'Supposed-Tos':

Liberate yourself from societal and self-imposed pressures that have held you back, allowing you to live authentically and without.

Apply Actionable Strategies:

Not just theories, but practical steps and tools to implement real change in your life.

You’re Ready for

'A Season of Me'

if You Are:

  • Passionate About Personal Growth: Eager to explore and invest in your self-discovery and development journey.

  • Done Making Excuses About Your Happiness: Ready to take responsibility for your joy and fulfillment, no longer blaming external factors.

  • Sick of Feeling Stuck and Unfulfilled: Tired of the status quo and yearning for a meaningful change in your life.

  • Ready to Embrace a Life Lived on Your Terms: Willing to take the steps necessary to live authentically, according to your values and dreams.

  • Willing to Invest Time and Effort into Your Growth: Committed to actively participating and applying what you learn to see real transformation.

Don't miss this experience...

What's Included:

  • 90 days-1:1 Personalized Coaching Sessions with Heidi (Value $3000)

  • Unlimited Voxer Access (Value $900)

  • The A Season Of Me Six Module Course with workbooks (Value $700)

  • 90-day Free Trial Access to The Collective (Value $141)

  • Bi-monthly Group Coaching (Value $1500)

  • Resource Library (Value $197)

Total Value $6438

Today only $1497

*Payment Plans Available

Your Info


Experience Real Change: Hear How Our Offer Transforms Lives,

Empowering Personal Journeys Towards Fulfillment and Joy.


Experience Real Change: Hear How Our Offer Transforms Lives,

Empowering Personal Journeys Towards Fulfillment and Joy.

“A Season of Me couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I was in the middle of a lot of huge transitions and having a hard time focusing on anything, especially myself. A Season of Me allowed me to reframe my mindset, fashion my goals, and create an action plan for the next six months of my life. I was able to take the time I needed every week to work on my plan with the baby steps that I had created. What’s more, I was able to take the time I needed to just breathe and live in this season of transition without feeling ashamed or guilty. This program is perfect for anyone, with any goals, and at any season in life. I look forward to working this program again!”

-Valrie H.

“Before working with Heidi, I was feeling stuck in life and in ministry. Together we set priorities, created an action plan with daily steps that, although simple, made a huge difference in my ability to discern what being stuck was about. As a result, I am starting to recreate my environment and set up systems that actually lead to more discipline and productivity. I really appreciate the way Heidi listens and asks just the right questions. She is gifted at getting to the source of the problem and helping me figure out what action steps to take next, not too much and not too little.”

- Jess L.

“Coaching with Heidi encourages and uplifts me. Heidi listens to my jumbled thoughts and ideas, and she asks questions reframing what she heard. This gives me the opportunity to make plans that work in my context. Through coaching, I am able to take ideas and turn them into a clear vision with tasks that my team can execute in order to grow our ministry. Everyone - but especially those with big dreams and ideas - should have a coach!”

- Anna T-M

“A Season of Me couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I was in the middle of a lot of huge transitions and having a hard time focusing on anything, especially myself. A Season of Me allowed me to reframe my mindset, fashion my goals, and create an action plan for the next six months of my life. I was able to take the time I needed every week to work on my plan with the baby steps that I had created. What’s more, I was able to take the time I needed to just breathe and live in this season of transition without feeling ashamed or guilty. This program is perfect for anyone, with any goals, and at any season in life. I look forward to working this program again!”

-Valrie H.

“Before working with Heidi, I was feeling stuck in life and in ministry. Together we set priorities, created an action plan with daily steps that, although simple, made a huge difference in my ability to discern what being stuck was about. As a result, I am starting to recreate my environment and set up systems that actually lead to more discipline and productivity. I really appreciate the way Heidi listens and asks just the right questions. She is gifted at getting to the source of the problem and helping me figure out what action steps to take next, not too much and not too little.”

- Jess L.

“Coaching with Heidi encourages and uplifts me. Heidi listens to my jumbled thoughts and ideas, and she asks questions reframing what she heard. This gives me the opportunity to make plans that work in my context. Through coaching, I am able to take ideas and turn them into a clear vision with tasks that my team can execute in order to grow our ministry. Everyone - but especially those with big dreams and ideas - should have a coach!”

- Anna T-M

...a warrior for social justice

“Heidi will help you level up how you show up in your ministry and work. She is a warrior for social justice and cares about meeting people where they are.”

Heather Rosson

Stephanie Ellis Ecke

...facilitates bold conversations

“Heidi creates a space and facilitates bold conversations regarding social justice for leaders and those in ministry.””


Will it work for me?

'A Season of Me' is designed to work for anyone committed to personal growth. Success depends on your engagement and application of the teachings.

How can I pay?

We offer various payment methods, including credit/debit cards and a payment plan, to make the full experience accessible.

What’s the enrollment process?

Simply click the button that represents your best path, complete your payment, and check your inbox for immediate access to all course materials and the community forum.

Is there a membership or group aspect?

Yes to both! This is a group coaching experience where you will have the chance to join a supportive, like-minded community of individuals on a similar path, offering encouragement and shared experiences. Both "The Course" and "The Experience" buyers will have access to a free trial period to the 'A Season of Me' Collective.

Is joining the 'A Season of Me Experience' truly worth it, and will it effectively address my unique personal development needs?

We understand that deciding to join 'A Season of Me' is a significant commitment, and it's natural to have reservations. You might wonder if this program will truly cater to your unique needs or if the investment is worth it. Let me assure you, every aspect of 'A Season of Me' is designed with your personal growth and satisfaction in mind. The program is structured to be flexible and accommodating to a diverse range of personal goals and lifestyles. Additionally, the inclusion of interactive workbooks, a supportive community, and direct access to expert coaching ensures that you receive value far beyond the initial investment. We also understand the importance of seeing real results, which is why we offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you fully engage with the program and do not see the expected transformation, we are committed to addressing your concerns. Your success and growth are our top priorities.

Your Path to Transformation:

Choose the Journey That Resonates with You

Good - "The Collective"

Dive into an immersive membership experience for just $47/m or $497/y as a founding member. With bi-monthly group coaching, daily audio prompts, and an interactive private community, 'The Collective' offers a continuous journey of growth and connection. It's a step towards overcoming the overwhelm of daily life and finding balance and support.

Better - "The Course"

Embark on a transformative journey with our on-demand 6-workshop series for $497. The comprehensive workbook coupled with a FREE 30-day trial to 'The Collective' provides the tools and insights you need for self-discovery. It's a leap towards addressing your need for personal growth and self-care.

Best- "The Experience"

For those ready to accelerate their transformation, 'The Experience' for $1497 over 3 months is your ultimate choice. This package combines all the benefits of 'The Course' and 'The Collective,' plus six personalized 1:1 coaching sessions with Heidi and unlimited Voxer access. Valued at $2500, it's designed to fast-track your journey to self-fulfillment, offering a comprehensive, personalized approach to conquering your challenges and achieving your aspirations.

Embrace the Journey That Speaks to Your Heart

Whether you choose the community support of 'The Collective', the structured growth of 'The Course', or the comprehensive, personalized journey of 'The Experience', you're making a positive step towards alleviating your pain points and embracing a more fulfilled life.

Remember, each path is more than a choice – it's a commitment to your well-being and a step towards a life where you are the priority.

Will it work for me?

'A Season of Me' is designed to work for anyone committed to personal growth. Success depends on your engagement and application of the teachings.

How can I pay?

We offer various payment methods, including credit/debit cards and a payment plan, to make the full experience accessible.

What’s the enrollment process?

Simply click the button that represents your best path, complete your payment, and check your inbox for immediate access to all course materials and the community forum.

Is there a membership or group aspect?

Yes to both! This is a group coaching experience where you will have the chance to join a supportive, like-minded community of individuals on a similar path, offering encouragement and shared experiences. Both "The Course" and "The Experience" buyers will have access to a free trial period to the 'A Season of Me' Collective.

Is joining the 'A Season of Me Experience' truly worth it, and will it effectively address my unique personal development needs?

We understand that deciding to join 'A Season of Me' is a significant commitment, and it's natural to have reservations. You might wonder if this program will truly cater to your unique needs or if the investment is worth it. Let me assure you, every aspect of 'A Season of Me' is designed with your personal growth and satisfaction in mind. The program is structured to be flexible and accommodating to a diverse range of personal goals and lifestyles. Additionally, the inclusion of interactive workbooks, a supportive community, and direct access to expert coaching ensures that you receive value far beyond the initial investment. We also understand the importance of seeing real results, which is why we offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you fully engage with the program and do not see the expected transformation, we are committed to addressing your concerns. Your success and growth are our top priorities.

Your Path to Transformation:

Choose the Journey That Resonates with You

Good - "The Collective"

Dive into an immersive membership experience for just $47/m or $497/y as a founding member. With bi-monthly group coaching, daily audio prompts, and an interactive private community, 'The Collective' offers a continuous journey of growth and connection. It's a step towards overcoming the overwhelm of daily life and finding balance and support.

Better - "The Course"

Embark on a transformative journey with our on-demand 6-workshop series for $497. The comprehensive workbook coupled with a FREE 30-day trial to 'The Collective' provides the tools and insights you need for self-discovery. It's a leap towards addressing your need for personal growth and self-care.

Best- "The Experience"

For those ready to accelerate their transformation, 'The Experience' for $1497 over 3 months is your ultimate choice. This package combines all the benefits of 'The Course' and 'The Collective,' plus six personalized 1:1 coaching sessions with Heidi and unlimited Voxer access. Valued at $2500, it's designed to fast-track your journey to self-fulfillment, offering a comprehensive, personalized approach to conquering your challenges and achieving your aspirations.

Embrace the Journey That Speaks to Your Heart

Whether you choose the community support of 'The Collective', the structured growth of 'The Course', or the comprehensive, personalized journey of 'The Experience', you're making a positive step towards alleviating your pain points and embracing a more fulfilled life.

Remember, each path is more than a choice – it's a commitment to your well-being and a step towards a life where you are the priority.

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